Letchworth Hockey Club

Letchworth Hockey Club

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LED Crowdfunding target reached - THANK YOU

11 February 2023 | Rich Carr
LED Crowdfunding target reached - THANK YOU

I'm proud to announce that the Crowdfunding campaign for LED Lighting has reached its target of £10,000. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has contributed to this campaign or any of the previous ones (and for anyone that wanted to contribute but hasn't got around to it yet, the fund is still open - just click the link above).

The proceeds from this fund will be combined with all of the other crowd funding campaigns run this year and will go towards the LED floodlights which are being installed in April. This will significantly reduce the running costs of the club and will also reduce our carbon footprint, so well done everyone!

I would also like to say a special thanks to Peter Hall ("Ratty") for the effort that he has put into this, not least the £3,000 grant that he got from Sports England.

We realise that this is a financially stressful time for a lot of people, so we really appreciate the donations that have been made. We promise that we'll stop crowdfunding for a while to give everyone a break ... although as I said in my previous message, the club is in a financially difficult situation at the moment, so there will be future options to donate time or money to the club.

Thanks again everyone, this will make a massive difference to the club.

Rich (Chair)

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