Thanks for your message!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Due to a significant increase in utility costs, we're being forced into a set of fundraising activities to ensure that our books balance and the we can continue operating the club. Please take a moment to read this article to see whether you can help.
Since early 2022, the unit cost of electricity has doubled, and gas quadrupled, and this is even with the current business energy bill relief scheme which expires in March. The Sports Club committee has taken various actions to reduce running costs, including arranging to install LED floodlights, but there is still a significant financial deficit forecast for 2023.
The Hockey Club committee has identified four major fundraising initiatives which we hope will close the deficit. We realise that cost-of-living crisis is making things challenging for us all at the moment, but if there is any way that you would be able to support any of these initiatives, we would really appreciate it.
There will be separate communications for each of these initiatives, but we wanted to explain them all in one place so you can work out which one(s) you feel able to support.
LED Floodlight Crowdfunding campaign: New floodlights are scheduled to be installed in April and we have secured most of the funding, however there is still a shortfall. Peter Hall (aka 'Ratty') has managed to secure a grant of £3,000 if we reach a crowdfunding target AND have contributions from at least 50 different supporters - so are relaunching the campaign here. Please contribute even just a small amount, if you can, so we get our supporter numbers above the threshold.
200 Club: This is a group of up to 200 people who contribute £1 per week to be entered into a weekly raffle. It has not been well-advertised recently so membership has fallen and there are many spaces available. Please look out for posters in the clubhouse if you would like to contribute.
Platinum Supporters: We will be launching a new supporters club with exclusive perks for a monthly fee. Details are still being worked out and we will be in touch with more information within the next week or so.
Sponsorship and other external income: There are opportunities to increase income from other organisations, both in terms of function room and pitch hire, and in terms of offering various sponsorship options. If any of you are willing to help us find clubs who would like to use our facilities, or companies who would be willing to sponsor us, please get in touch as we'd really value your help.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if there is any way that you are able to help, we'd really appreciate it.
Rich (Chair)
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.